2016: Strength

Making Sense of your Money with Capital One 2: My Family's New Year's Goals
What I'm Reading - Fall 2015 and Top 10 Books of 2015


I’m not one for resolutions.

Every year I’m tempted – the allure of the clean slate makes me want to rise anew as a better (smarter, richer, more organized, and yes, thinner) person. But I’ve learned by now that no, I’m not going to wipe down the sink every night, or give up scotch, or run a marathon. And the resolutions go by the wayside, and I end up starting the new year (or at least the month of February) as a failure.

That’s bullshit.

This year, I’m taking a page from one of my favorite inspirers and coming up with a “Theme” for the year, and the word I keep returning to is strength.

2015 wasn’t an easy year. Physically, I caught pneumonia in March, and spent the rest of the year sick every two or three weeks – cold after cold, strep throat, stomach flu – you name it. I got sick before and after our summer vacation. I postponed my birthday because I was sick… again. I had always enjoyed fairly rude health (except the first daycare winters for both my babies, but I don’t count that) and last year I felt like an invalid. All I wanted was to be sent to a Victorian sanatorium in the mountains to breath in the clear air, do needlework, and regain my strength.

On top of that, I felt like 99% of my life was reactive, not proactive. The husband worked a lot of late nights, and took a long trip with his dad, and I found myself doing whatever I could to just get the kids fed and in bed at a reasonable hour only to collapse and eat for myself either what they left on their plates or a hastily-cobbled-together peanut butter sandwich. Every month we’d wonder where the money went,  how we missed that payment (the answer:  failing to check the mail).  I was exhausted.  The business of life just got me down.

So this year, I want to get my strength back.

I want to rebuild my health – get more sleep, eat more deliberately.

I want to tackle the day from a position of strength –  anticipate, rather than react.  Get my financial house in order.  Get my ACTUAL house in order.

I want to make my relationships stronger – with my community, and with my friends and with my family.

I want to stretch my mind – to read books I want to read, to watch the GOOD TV and not the crap.

I want to become invincible.


Maybe that last one is overshooting a bit, no?

Here’s to a great 2016.

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