The Year of Living Vegetally

Fennel, Apple and Pear Salad
Happy New Year and Best of 2012

Year of Living Vegetally
January, arbitrary though it may be, is a time for taking stock. What’s been good, what’s been bad, and what you want to change.

This year, the fourth of The Domestic Front, I want to change how I eat. No, I’m not going vegetarian. Or paleo. You won’t suddenly see a rash of recipes with points values, or gluten-free, fat-free, sugar-free foods. I’m more of a moderate, and I like my resolutions to be additive. So this year I am resolving to eat more fruits and vegetables, and I want you to come with me.

We all know we should eat more fruits and vegetables, right? At least five servings a day. But if you’re anything like me, by the time you’ve gotten the chicken on the table, with some starch so your five year old eats SOMETHING, adding another vegetable dish just seems like too much work. And why snack on apples when crackers are so crunchy and salty?

Well, I want to change that, for my sake and my kids’ sake. I’m going to spend this year on the blog exploring new recipes using fruits and vegetables, strategies for incorporating more produce in my life, and tips and tricks on purchasing and even growing your own. 2013 is officially the Year of Living Vegetally here on The Domestic Front, and I hope you’ll come along for the ride.


  1. casacaudill January 4, 2013
  2. Kate January 4, 2013
  3. casacaudill January 4, 2013
  4. Moira January 4, 2013
  5. Gastronomer January 7, 2013
  6. Viv January 15, 2013
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