Category: Recipes

All my Eggs in One Basket — Corsican Omelet

<img alt="" src="" title="Corsican Omelet" class="alignnone" width="500" height="333" /><br /> There is a phenomenon known as "breakfast for dinner" whereby seemingly normal people choose to ingest breakfast foods, namely French toast, pancakes and bacon for dinner. …

Daring Bakewell Tarts

Have I ever mentioned that I am a raging Anglophile? I jealously hoard Colman's mustard, studied abroad in London, wrote my undergraduate thesis on franchise reform in Parliament, and pepper my speech with phrases like …

In Bruges — Waterzooi de Poulet

It's officially summer time, and if you're lucky that means vacations! I thought I'd start a little summertime series (of an indeterminate number of episodes) based on places I've traveled. A little travelog …
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