Category: Tech

Friday Five: Links to Love

What a week, right?  My prayers are going out to the people of Boston and  West, Texas.  I hope the week can end with the succesful conclusion of the search going on in Boston right …

The Year of Living Vegetally

January, arbitrary though it may be, is a time for taking stock. What’s been good, what’s been bad, and what you want to change. This year, the fourth of The Domestic Front, I want to …

Only Connect

Three Stories about the Internet: 1) Last week, I left work, and drove an hour and a half to have dinner. I wasn’t going to some press event, or to dine at a temple of …

The Domestic Front, Everywhere

    I’ve been crazy busy folks.Thought I’d drop in today to let you know of a few more places you can find me! On the Web: I was asked by Stefanie of the FABULOUS …

For Love and Chocolate Chip Cookies

<a href="" title="Chocolate Chip Cookies 1 by The Domestic Front, on Flickr"><img src="" class="aligncenter" width="333" height="500" alt="Chocolate Chip Cookies 1" /></a> The Nuni has been quite complimentary lately, perhaps working under the theory that flattery will …
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