Tag: weekday

Fancy Supper Onion Pie

<img SRC="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2443/3572379378_59a435668f.jpg?v=1244236810" /> <br /> I have a lovely and patient husband, who, although he is wise beyond his years, sometimes gets some funny ideas. One of these is that I only like “fancy” food.  …
slow cooker pot roast

Grandma’s Crockpot Pot Roast

This is a family recipe. It came from my grandmother (you can tell it's from my family by the addition of liquor. What can I say? We're WASPs. Liquid lunch isn't just a saying) and …

Easy Rhubarb Crumble with Almonds

Rhubarb is a prominent part of my culinary psyche. When I was growing up, my great grandmother had a rhubarb patch in the back of her house, and whenever I would visit we’d cut …

Creamy Homemade Hummus

Every night on my way home from work, I drive through Little Ethiopia and fantasize about Ethiopian food. Ethiopian food, if you've never had it, is usually made of a variety of …
Easy Weeknight Recipes with Ground Turkey

Ten Minute Thai Style Turkey

I have a rich fantasy life, and I'm not ashamed to say that a large part of it revolves around the kitchen. In my fantasy life, I have a huge sunny kitchen, and a window …
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