Tag: baking

I Toddy Taw a Pudding Cake — Hot Toddy Pudding Cake

<img src="http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3384/3422548923_266c94520b.jpg?v=1239990075" /> <br /> Apologies for the silly title. I'm a little punchy. It's been one of those weeks at work, where I'm constantly teetering on the brink of bursting into manic laughter, at …

Hot Cross Buns

<img src="http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3649/3376089927_3db6ab3da8.jpg?v=0" alt="" /> <br /> I wasn’t going to post these at all. They didn’t come out exactly as I wanted them to – the cross wasn’t defined, the shape was a little wonky, and …

Laurie Colwin’s Gingerbread

It’s a common question on college application essays and at boring dinner parties – if you could have dinner with any person, living or dead, whom would you choose? Jesus figures highly in the answers …
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